Being in the gaming business, I can surely empathize with our competitors, especially over this past holiday season.
In our collective line of work, all everyone was trying to do was to get our products under people's trees so, hopefully, when they were opened they made the recipient happy.
Now - in the Game Wave's case - that's a given. But I wonder what the kids who received some of the following were thinking...
To me nothing says Christmas more than giving your kid a gun.
A gun that shoots Teddy Bears.
Dead animals you say? Well, what kid wouldn't love to have a nice stuffed Road Kill to snuggle with every night?
I bet you're upset now knowing you could have given your kids their very own cute and hugable human waste dolls...
... and if they were into that, you just know that they would love this...
It's never too early to set them down a career path. How about their very own HazMat training toys!
Or you could have gone straight to the "I want to scar them for life" gift and terrified the heck out of them with whatever this is:
We had a great Holiday season, and now it's back to work producing a whole bunch of games for 2008.
It's just too bad for us someone already cornered the defecation market.
Cheers - Gavin