Thursday, November 22, 2007

Let's go Club-ing

Groucho Marx said, “I would never want to belong to a club that would have me as a member.”

Well, I hate to say it, but in this case, Groucho is dead wrong.

We’ve just introduced the Game Wave Club for all registered Game Wave owners.

It’s an exclusive-to-you club because we want to show our appreciation for how far we’ve gone since introducing the Game Wave about this time last year. From a kernel of an idea from a board game inventor named Richard Fast, (He also came up with MindTrap to name one of his more famous titles), to where we are today, we couldn’t have made it here without you.

So - what is the club about? From time to time, like now for example, we’re offering great insider deals to all Game Wave Club Members. For this holiday season, we’re giving away FREE games to all Club Members who take part in a holiday promotion. You can learn more about it HERE.

So – as a Game Wave owner, how come you’ve never heard about the thing? Well, we sent out a mass e-mail to all registered owners on November 21st. If you didn’t receive yours there are three probable explanations:

1. The e-mail you registered with is kaput. If that’s the case you can reregister with your new address and you will be added, once again, to our e-mail list.

2. You haven’t registered your Game Wave. If that’s you, simply go HERE and you’ll be added to the list.

3. Your e-mail program decided we were spam and sent the club invitation to the trash. To avoid that in the future, you can try one of these options:

Microsoft Outlook users: Follow these instructions to ensure that your Game Wave e-mails are always delivered to your inbox.

For Outlook 2003: (Other versions such as Outlook 2007 and Outlook Express may vary slightly)

From the Tools menu, select Options
Click the Junk E-Mail button
Click the Safe Senders tab
Click the Add button
Enter in the text box provided, and click OK
For more help, see the Outlook help site.

Hotmail and MSN Users: Follow these instructions to ensure that your Game Wave e-mails are always delivered to your inbox.

Login to your Hotmail or MSN account
Click Options
On the left side of the page, click Mail, and then click Junk E-Mail Protection
Click Safe List
Enter in the field provided, then click Add
For more help, see the Hotmail/MSN help site.

Gmail users: Follow these instructions to ensure that your Game Wave e-mails are always delivered to your inbox.

Login to
Click Contacts along the left side of any Gmail page
Click Create Contact
For E-mail, enter
Click Save

Check out the Game Wave Club if you have a chance. It’s our way to give back to you, and for you to score some free swag along the way.

And isn’t that what the holiday season is all about?


Thursday, November 8, 2007

Where to Buy

You may have noticed a new button on the website.

It’s all about “Where to Buy.”

Sure, we may have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars developing our state-of-the-art online shopping cart, but we still have to put our stuff in old fashioned bricks and mortar stores, because apparently there are some folks who remain gun-shy about this whole Internet e-commerce “fad.”

Me? I’m more of a sit-on-my-butt-and-order-via-keyboard-and-get-it-delivered-to-me kind of guy.

Going to stores means shopping and that invariably leads to me standing in a packed change room in a woman’s clothes store, suffering withering “is that guy a pervert” glances from ladies exiting and entering their cubicles, while my wife tries on 11 pairs of jeans requiring me to pass judgment on which of them makes her look less “fat.”

There is absolutely no good answer to that question so I try to avoid it like a paper cut.

But there are those who revel in the whole “got to feel it with my hands” tactile shopping experience.

For those folks, we’ve built this cool page with a map of North America allowing them to click on their state or province for the nearest store that carries the Game Wave.

Give it a go Here.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go do some of that type of old-school shopping myself.


My wife might have read this….