The short answer was, it could.
The long answer was, for me it was the worst New Years Eve EVER!
I popped in the game, asking my willing guinea pigs to play a few rounds, and to really put it through its paces. There was about 30 or so people there, so they all ganged up in teams and away they went with me watching in the background looking for any bugs.
There were a few entry screen issues and some overlay misalignments, but beyond that, functionally it worked perfectly. After only one round I had seen enough and thanked everyone and suggested something lame like, “lets get this party started!”
Except no one got up.
They kept playing. And playing. And playing.
And playing.
Now, I’m not adverse to game playing at any time, as it is my occupation, however I wrote Rewind 2006 and it wasn’t exactly like I could participate knowing all the answers as I did.
So I sat at the back. Alone. For hours.
Happy Frikin’ New Year!
Now, the reason I’m relating this is two fold: First, if you are looking for a GREAT New Years Eve game for groups large or for small, the Game Wave is kinda perfect.
And the second is for my friends. Don’t even think about it, okay?
Have a Happy New Year Everyone, and here’s looking forward to a fabulous 2008!
Cheers - Gavin